
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

Us Against You (9781501160790)

Instant New York Times Bestseller! The author of A Man Called Ove returns with "a lyrical look at how a community heals, how families recover, and how individuals grow" (The Washington Post). "Fans of Backman will not be disappointed. His work continues to amaze and captivate, enlighten and thrill." --Shelf Awareness A small community tucked deep in the forest, Beartown is home to tough, hardworking people who don't expect life to be easy or fair. No matter how difficult times get, they've always been able to take pride in their local ice hockey team. So it's a cruel blow when they hear that their town's ice hockey club might soon be disbanded. What makes it worse is the obvious satisfaction that all the former Beartown players, who now play for a rival team in the neighboring town of Hed, take in that fact. But the arrival of a newcomer gives Beartown hockey a chance at a comeback. Soon a team starts to take shape around Amat, the fastest player ...

Loose Leaf for Ihealth (9781260808223)

iHealth 4th Edition is an integrated print-digital learning system that provides a framework for building solid research skills, critical thinking skills, and behavior change skills that will enable students to make good decisions and live more fulfilling lives. The 4th Edition remains concise, conversational, lively, flexible, and digital. The authors focus on key issues and work from the premise that being health literate is not mastery of facts alone; it's about behavior change, self-assessment, and decision making. Instructors can easily add their own materials, readings, and assessments to customize the iHealth learning package. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following: SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading...

Acting Strategically, Thinking Critically : Concepts, Cases, and Tools for Business Students (9781516571888)

Acting Strategically, Thinking Critically: Concepts, Cases and Tools for Business Students is a student-friendly, strategic management textbook and utilizes activity-based learning strategies, short and comprehensive cases, critical thinking exercises, and several well-known analytical frameworks to not only help students master strategic management concepts, but also "think about thinking." This text emphasizes knowledge acquired in business degree programs and provid Product details Format Hardback | 448 pages Dimensions 203 x 254 ...

Pathologisches Horten : Praxisleitfaden Zur Interdisziplinaren Behandlung Des Messie-Syndroms (9783662572801)

Das Messie-Syndrom oder pathologisches Horten - eine neue psychische Störung: Fast jeder Mensch kennt Situationen, in denen es schwerfällt, sich von Gegenständen zu trennen, so dass sich rasch Unordnung ausbreitet. Bei manchen ist das nur eine Lade oder betrifft ausschließlich das Auto oder ein Zimmer. Bei manchen Menschen jedoch betrifft es den gesamten Lebensbereich und führt zu einer massiven Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Was sind die Chancen und Schwierigkeiten einer psychischen Diagnose? Nach welchen Kriterien kann das Phänomen diagnostisch erfasst werden? Wie entsteht und entwickelt sich das pathologische Horten? Wie kann man Betroffene professionell psychotherapeutisch und psychosozial begleiten und behandeln? Die Autorin diskutiert diese und weitere Fragen auf Basis psychoanalytischer Theorien und leitet daraus praxisnahe Behandlungsempfehlungen für Psychotherapeutinnen, Psychiater und Psychologen ab. Auch für weitere Professionisten multidisziplinärer Teams, wie Hausärzte,...

Flutter Complete Reference : Create beautiful, fast and native apps for any device (9798691939952)

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful and native applications for mobile, desktop and web from a single Dart codebase. In this book we cover in detail the Dart programming language (version 2.10, with null safety support) and the Flutter framework (version 1.20). While reading the chapters, you'll find a lot of good practices, tips and performance advices to build high quality products. The book is divided in 3 parts. PART 1: It's about the Dart programming language (classes, exceptions, inheritance, null safety, streams, SOLID principles...). PART 2. It's about the Flutter framework (localization, routing, state management with Bloc and Provider, testing, performances with DevTools, animations...). PART 3. It's a long collection of examples (using Firestore, monetizing apps, using gestures, networking, publishing packages at, race recognition with ML kits, playing audio and video...). The official website of the book contains the complet...

Skin Cancer Management : A Practical Approach (9781493939084)

The editor of Skin Cancer Management: A Practical Approach, Dr. Deborah MacFarlane, gathers experts in selected techniques related to the assessment and management of skin cancer and has them critically review the existing literature in light of their considerable experience delivering care. The authors make recommendations for the best way to perform procedures. The tables provided in each chapter then become a manual of how to perform these procedures, and may in time be adopted by the wider universe of dermatologists as the standard of performance. The detailed descriptions of technique and treatment pearls lead the novice through the sequence of events in a way that instills confidence in their ability to safely perform the procedure. An example of the painstaking expla- tions is found in Chapter 5, Intralesional and Perilesional Treatment of Skin Cancers. The reader is advised to place eye protection on the patient and those performing the injection of methotrexate into a keratoac...

Public Health Emergency Preparedness (9781284069259)

Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Practical Applications for the Real World is a comprehensive examination of the critical competencies necessary to prepare for and respond to Public Health emergencies. Starting with a historical context of the early preparedness need, the book defines emergency preparedness and the legal framework for the field. The book goes on to cover the full range of the field from hazards and threats to considerations for leadership development in the field. It includes information on roles and responsibilities of local, state, and national organizations, the cycle of practice for preparedness officials, as well as principles of incident management and response; and finally, considerations for leadership development in the field. With real-world stories and anecdotes throughout, the authors synthesize a wealth of material in an easy-to-read format that stimulates learning and provokes reflection about emergency preparedness. Key Features: * Offers a full...

Time Out : A Family's Journey of Faith and Hope Through Childhood Cancer (9781607996194)

'Your child has cancer.' These are four words you hope to never hear; yet over 12,000 families a year will hear this very phrase. The prognosis of cancer can make you stop dead in your tracks, but when doctors tell you that your child has cancer, you want to shout from the top of your lungs, "'Time Out!'" Join David Kelly as he recounts his family's journey as his daughter, Hannah, battles a rare form of childhood cancer. At the time of her prognosis, Hannah was a fun-loving, ten-year-old girl who was looking forward to a summer playing basketball. Instead, she and her family would be at the Mayo Clinic, entering into the unknown medical world of oncology, radiology, and childhood cancer support. With thousands of newly-diagnosed children per year, Time Out not only walks you through experiences shared by many but inspires you with this family's story of faith, strength, and hope. 'A childhood cancer diagnosis can leave you groping through a ...

Six Months in Sudan : A Young Doctor in a War-Torn Village (9780385665957)

ÂPeople are hungry to be brought closer to the world, even its hard parts. I went to Sudan, and am writing about it again, because I believe that which separates action from inaction is the same thing that separates my friends from Sudan. It is not indifference. It is distance. May it fall away. In 2007 James Maskalyk set out for the contested border town of Abyei, Sudan, as a doctor newly recruited by Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Equipped with his experience as an emergency physician in a downtown hospital and drawn to the hardest parts of the world, Maskalyk spent his days treating malnourished children, coping with a measles epidemic and watching for war. Worn thin by the struggle to meet overwhelming needs with few resources, he returned home six months later more affected by the experience, the people and the place than he had anticipated. Six Months in Sudan began as a blog that Maskalyk wrote from his hut in Sudan in an attempt to bring his family and f...

The Longest Adolescence (9781424122141)

It is the authoras contention that each of us has matured in all aspects of our development to varying degrees on an arbitrary scale. Having dedicated his professional life to medical education, he was afforded ample opportunity to observe the behavior of physicians more so than of individuals from other walks of life. The vignettes he has relayed to the reader pertain mostly to those of the medical profession, but examples of immature behavior are described of the clergy as well as members of other occupations and professions as well as of his dear wife whom he watched deteriorate to the ravages of vascular dementia during the latter decades of her life. He has likened his wifeas dementia to a decline in the behavior of an adolescent. Product details Format Paperback | 234 pa...

Too Hurt to Stay : The True Story of a Troubled Boy's Desperate Search for a Loving Home (9780007436620)

The fourth title from Sunday Times bestselling author Casey Watson. Eight-year-old Spencer takes himself to social services and demands to be taken into care. It's a desperate act, a cry for help, but his parent's reaction - good riddance - speaks volumes. Casey's hackles are immediately up for this poor child. Spencer is the middle child of four siblings. His parents claim all their other kids are 'normal' and that Spencer was born 'vicious and evil'. Casey and her family are disgusted - kids aren't born evil, they get damaged. Although when vigilante neighbours start to take action and their landlord threatens eviction, Casey is stretched to the limits, trying desperately to hold on to this boy who causes so much pain and destruction. Casey is determined to try and understand what Spencer is going through and help him find the loving home he is so desperately searching for. But it's only when Spencer's mother gets in touch with social ...

White Ally : A Guide to Cultivating a Deeply Spiritual AntiRacism Practice (9781070734040)

The Yamas and Niyamas, yoga's ten guidelines, guide you to live in peace and harmony with yourself and the world. In this book, learn how to cultivate an anti-racism practice using the framework of yoga's ten guidelines, the Yamas and the Niyamas. Examine your biases, conditioning, values and beliefs by exploring the philosophy of each guideline in every chapter. Brief guided meditations are provided at the end of the chapter to enhance mindfulness and self-awareness. Reflection questions are included at the end of the chapter for deepened understanding and self inquiry. Following the philosophy of each guideline, interwoven with examples and personal stories, invites you to become more mindful of recognizing racism within yourself and the patterns and systems of oppression in the world. The Yamas and Niyamas guide you toward letting go of limiting and harmful behaviors and beliefs. These guidelines free you to see beyond your own desires into the collective good. As you becom...

No More Bedwetting : How to Help Your Child Stay Dry (9780471146902)

In this reassuring, eye-opening book, noted urologist Samuel J. Arnold explains how almost all childhood bedwetting can be cured or controlled. Drawing on over 35 years of experience--and thousands of actual cases--Dr. Arnold illustrates how, contrary to conventional thinking, most bedwetting is caused by underlying physical conditions--conditions that often can be corrected quickly and effectively. And he dispels the harmful and mistaken notion that long-term bedwetting is caused by disobedience, toilet-training conflicts, or parental attitudes. This essential and supportive guide can help you help your child. No More Bedwetting reveals: * The many different factors behind bedwetting * How to determine the root cause of your child's problem and what to do about it * The roles of heavy sleep, diseases, anatomical problems, allergies, hormones, and other factors * The damage of harmful treatments such as punishment or withholding fluids * A full range of tested strategies and r...

Grundlagen der Lesedidaktik : und der systematischen schulischen Leseförderung (3834017787)

"Leseförderung" ist ein Sammelbegriff für ganz unterschiedliche Verfahren, um die Lesemenge, die Bereitschaft zum Lesen oder die Lernfähigkeit aus Texten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zu steigern. In der vorliegenden Neubearbeitung der "Grundlagen der Lesedidaktik" werden die verschiedenen Methoden und Ansätze der Leseförderung für die Klassenstufen 2-10 - praxisorientiert dargestellt, - im Blick auf die jeweiligen Zielgruppen analysiert, - auf Kompetenzen und die Bildungsstandards bezogen, - in ihrer Wirksamkeit bewertet und - systematisierend auf ihr gemeinsames Ziel, die Steigerung von Lesekompe tenz, bezogen. Damit ist beabsichtigt, Lehrerinnen und Lehrern sowohl das nötige Grundlagenwissen der Lesedidaktik als auch Anwendungskriterien für das schulische Handeln an die Hand zu geben, mit deren Hilfe lesedidaktisch fundierter Unterricht in Deutsch und in den Sachfächern geplant werden kann. Schulen sollen auf diese Weise darin unterstützt werden, Lesedidakti...

The Mandala Guidebook : How to Draw, Paint and Color Expressive Mandala Art (1440344205)

The mandala is a design motif that has intrigued people throughout cultures around the world. Mandalas in Mixed Media features a fresh and unique approach to making these motifs in a variety of mediums (watercolor, Inktense pencils, collage . . .) and modern techniques (using decorative papers with acrylic paint; combining markers and charcoal; painting on rocks, maps and other surfaces . . .), all delivered to the reader in clear step-by-step instruction. But this book doesn't stop at the mechanics of making these beautiful designs; mandala work is also incredibly useful and the reader will see how to use mandalas to solve problems, let go of fear, lean into love and gain clarity and insight-powerful results for such a fun and relaxing activity! Finally, inspiring gallery pieces from artists all over the world (including well-known names such as Alisa Burke, Tiffany Lovering, Anahata Katkin, Jane LaFazio and Louise Gale) further illustrate the possibilities of this sacred circle. ...