
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook, Volume A (9780137075249)

The Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook, Volume A, consists of self-study exercises for independent work. A classic developmental skills text for lower-intermediate and intermediate English language learners, Fundamentals of English Grammar is a comprehensive grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text. Product details Format Paperback | 184 pages Dimensions 211 x 275 x 6mm | 330g ...

Der Hunderjahrige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand (3328102361)

Allan Karlsson lebt in einem Altersheim und wird 100 Jahre alt. Eigentlich ein Grund zu feiern. Doch während sich der Bürgermeister und die Lokalpresse auf das große Spektakel vorbereiten, hat Allan ganz andere Pläne: Er verschwindet an seinem 100. Geburtstag - und schon bald steht ganz Schweden wegen seiner Flucht auf dem Kopf. Doch mit solchen Dingen hat Allan seine Erfahrung, schließlich hat er schon in jungen Jahren die gesamte Weltpolitik durcheinandergebracht und so manches Abenteuer erlebt ... Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages Dimensions 122 x 188 ...

Hypertension Primer : The Essentials of High Blood Pressure (9780781745093)

Now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition, the Hypertension Primer is a comprehensive, readable source of state-of-the-art scientific and clinical information on hypertension. The book contains more than 150 short chapters by distinguished experts that cover every aspect of hypertension and its pathogenesis, epidemiology, impact, and management. The chapters are grouped into three well-organized sections - basic science, population science, and clinical management - and each chapter is cross-referenced to other relevant chapters. Each chapter is easily digestible and begins with a bulleted list of key points Product details Format Paperback | 496 pages Dimensions ...

Die Roaring Nineties : Der entzauberte Boom (3886808076)

Explodierende Aktienkurse und scheinbar nie dagewesenes Wirtschaftswachstum kennzeichneten die "Goldenen Neunziger". "Alles ist möglich" wurde zum Motto des Jahrzehnts - bis der Absturz in eine weltweite, tiefe und bis heute andauernde Rezession folgte. Was ist schief gelaufen? Nobelpreisträger Joseph E. Stiglitz zeigt, welchen Kräften sich der schwindelerregende Boom verdankte und inwiefern in ihm bereits die Saat der Zerstörung angelegt war. Stiglitz, als Berater der ersten Clinton-Administration und später Chefökonom der Weltbank ein intimer Kenner des "Tatorts Washington" (NZZ) und der internationalen Konzernzentralen, weiß von den strategischen Entscheidungen in den innersten Zirkeln von Politik und Wirtschaft zu berichten, aber auch von den hitzigen Debatten, die diesen vorausgingen. Selbstkritisch beleuchtet er die globalen Folgen ihres gemeinsamen Tuns: Wie ist die Fixierung auf den Defizitabbau heute zu bewerten? Wie wirkt sich die von der US-Re...

Managing for Happiness : Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team (1119268680)

A practical handbook for making management great again Managing for Happiness offers a complete set of practices for more effective management that makes work fun. Work and fun are not polar opposites; they're two sides of the same coin, and making the workplace a pleasant place to be keeps employees motivated and keeps customers coming back for more. It's not about gimmicks or 'perks' that disrupt productivity; it's about finding the passion that drives your business, and making it contagious. This book provides tools, games, and practices that put joy into work, with practical, real-world guidance for empowering workers and delighting customers. These aren't break time exploits or downtime amusements they're real solutions for common management problems. Define roles and responsibilities, create meaningful team metrics, and replace performance appraisals with something more useful. An organization's culture rests on the back of management, and t...

Bmat Sample Essays & Guide Written by Teachers : 50+ Essays and Guides to Bmat Section 3 (9781793094230)

Over 50 sample essays, guides and references for the Biomedical Assessment Test (BMAT) examination Section 3 essay tests are provided in this book.Fundamentally, the Section 3 Essay examination is a content examination. While a good command of English is important, it is the substance of your arguments that will get you a high score. To do well, you need to be well-versed in the arguments, for and against, and present them in a good essay. Hence, preparation before the examination is key to success. The more arguments you remember before the examination, the more you can write to get a high score. With good preparation, most students should easily get a Grade 4 and higher.In this book written by teachers, we will provide you with some references how you can do well in essay sections with a recommended essay structure, materials that you want to study and remember before the examination, websites and references to read up and prepare, as well as over 50 essays to refer to. The sample es...

Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense (1285454618)

Cyber-terrorism and corporate espionage are increasingly common and devastating threats, making trained network security professionals more important than ever. This timely text helps you gain the knowledge and skills to protect networks using the tools and techniques of an ethical hacker. The authors begin by exploring the concept of ethical hacking and its practitioners, explaining their importance in protecting corporate and government data from cyber attacks. The text then provides an in-depth guide to performing security testing against computer networks, covering current tools and penetration testing methodologies. Updated for today's cyber security environment, the Third Edition of this trusted text features new computer security resources, coverage of emerging vulnerabilities and innovative methods to protect networks, a new discussion of mobile security, and information on current federal and state computer crime laws, including penalties for illegal computer hacking. ...

Vida de perros, Una aventura rocambolesca de Sigmund Freud (9788498146271)

Manu Larcenet, el autor de LOS COMBATES COTIDIANOS, LA LÍNEA DE FUEGO y LA MAZMORRA FESTIVAL, nos muestra una peculiar visión del psicoanálisis. Sigmund Freud decide dejar su Viena natal y embarcarse rumbo a las Américas, con el único objetivo de estirar en su diván a un auténtico cowboy. Vida de perros es el título ideal en este año 2006 en el que celebramos el 150 aniversario del nacimiento de Sigmund Freud. Product details Format Paperback | 48 pages Dimensions 220 x 290mm ...

2018 International Building Code Turbo Tabs, Loose-Leaf Version (9781609837150)

Customize your 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Loose-leaf book with updated, easy-to-use TURBO TABS. These handy tabs will highlight the most frequently referenced sections of the latest version of the IBC. They have been strategically designed by industry experts so that users can quickly and efficiently access the information they need, when they need it. Product details Format Loose-leaf Dimensions 234 x 279 x 13mm | 363g ...

Ka Whawai Tonu Matou : Struggle without End (0140132406)

This is a history of New Zealand from a Maori perspective, encompassing the period since the origins of the Maori people. The book argues that the past 150 years have been an endless strugle by the Maori's for social justice, equality and self-determination. Product details Format Paperback | 336 pages Dimensions 138 x 216 x 23mm | 353g Publication...

How to Rock Restaurant Management : 5 Ingredients to Leading a Successful Team (9781545231616)

Are you tired of feeling like you go in, survive a shift, go home, repeat? Are you a new manager and feeling like you're not sure where to start? Or are you seasoned, but struggling to really make a difference and build an effective team? Do you ever wonder, "is this it?" In this straightforward and tip-filled book, Katelyn Silva presents her approach and strategies for not only building a team, but leading them effectively to have smoother shifts, happier guests and team members, and ultimately more money. In How to Rock Restaurant Management, you will find: -Katelyn's five essential ingredients to leadership and positive team morale -How to save your restaurant time and money in team member turn-over -The essentials when it comes to guest relations -How to wield time management in order to see improved work/life balance How to Rock Restaurant Management will equip you with all the tools you need to build a team of all-stars that become your secret weapon to suc...

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (9780071314749)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers and Alan J. Marcus, has been applauded for its modern approach and interesting examples. Professors praise the authors' well-organized and thoughtful writing style and their clear exposition of what many students consider difficult material. The authors accomplish this without sacrificing an up-to-date, technically correct treatment of core topic areas. Since this author team is known for their outstanding research, teaching efforts, and market-leading finance textbooks, it's no surprise that they have created an innovative and market-driven revision that is more student friendly than ever. Every chapter has been reviewed and revised to reflect the current environment in corporate finance. Product details Format Paperback ...

Modern Chords (9780786690138)

One of the world's great jazz guitarists, Vic Juris shares his insight into the wonderful world of harmony in this book. Not for the fainthearted, Vic teaches polychords and intervallic structures derived from the major, minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor and harmonic major scales in this must have jazz guitar book. Each section has etudes that will help students integrate each concept into their own playing. The companion audio gives students the opportunity to hear and play along with these cutting edge concepts. Includes access to online audio. Product details Format Book | 47 pages Dimensions ...

Hell und schnell : 555 komische Gedichte aus 5 Jahrhunderten (3100255054)

Endlich ist es da: das Buch zur komischen Dichtung. Mit allen komischen Klassikern, mit allen Kapriolen der klassischen Komik. Das Buch zum Lesen und Lachen, zum Schmökern und Schmunzeln voller irrsinniger Sprachspiele, prächtiger Pointen, rasanter Reime. Vers für Vers eine Kür unvergleichlichen Witzes, Strophe für Strophe ein grandioses Amüsement. Lieder, Parodien, Knittelverse, Schüttelreime, Sonette das Beste, was an freiwilliger und zuweilen auch unfreiwilliger Komik in deutscher Sprache gedichtet wurde. Mit den Klassikern von Heine, Busch, Morgenstern, Ringelnatz, Tucholsky, Brecht, Jandl und vielen erstaunlichen Wiederentdeckungen. Ganz im Ernst: ein toller Spaß! Product details Format Hardback | 621 pages ...

Physician Assistant : A Guide to Clinical Practice (9780721645865)

This text aims to cover everything from the general history and context of physician assisting, to the clinical skills which physician assistants must learn: history-taking, physical exam techniques and case presentations. It includes a section on employment issues. Product details Format Hardback | 687 pages Dimensions 184 x 260mm | 1,330g Publication date 1...

Successful Writing: Teacher's Book Upper intermediate (9781842168790)

Cover in very good condition. Pages in very good condition with no markings or highlights noted. Product details For ages 12-17 Format Paperback | 83 pages Publication date 01 Jul 2000 Publisher Express Publishing UK Ltd ...

Pflanzen Code - Entschlüsselt : Schneller wachsen und höhere Erträge (3895395277)

Jeder kann zum Null-Tarif schlecht gedeihende und kränkelnde Pflanzen retten. Eine Behandlung von einer Sekunde lässt Pflanzen wieder sprießen und regt Samen zum Turbo-Wachstum an. Die simple Reaktivierung des pflanzlichen Ur-Wachstums-Codes macht dies erstmals möglich. Biologisch gesehen wird die aktuelle Wachstums-Software gelöscht und die Ur-Wachstums-Software angeknipst. Die Evolution hat dieses geniale Ur-Zeit-Wachstums-Prinzip vor Jahrmillionen erdacht und nutzt es bis heute nur im Notfall als Reserve-Programm, das auch der Mensch für zukünftige, noch üppigere Ernten nutzen kann. Dieses Buch beschreibt weltweit ersmals diese in der Praxis erforschte Technologie und erklärt sie dem Leser Schritt für Schritt. Wir können nicht verhungern, außer man will es. Das Buch schreibt wie das in jedem Garten und auf Feldern geht. Product details Format ...

Social Psychology, Global Edition (9781292341477)

For courses in Social Psychology Make research relevant through a storytelling approach Social Psychology introduces the key concepts of the field through an acclaimed storytelling approach that makes research relevant to students. Drawing upon their extensive experience as researchers and teachers, authors Elliot Aronson, Tim Wilson, and Sam Sommers present the classic studies that have driven the discipline alongside the cutting-edge research that is the future of social psychology. In addition to updated research references, the 10th Edition, Global Edition offers engaging new student-focused features that help students understand how what they're studying is applicable to their own lives. . Product details Format Paperback | 608 pages ...

The Heart of Dominance : A Guide to Practicing Consensual Dominance (153481017X)

The Heart of Dominance is a how-to guide to the concepts and skills at the heart of consensual dominance. If you are new to dominance, still figuring out just what it's all about or what you want it to mean to you, then this book will provide you with a solid foundation from which to start. If you already practice dominance and are interested in improving your ability to create deep and lasting power dynamics then you'll find many advanced concepts and concrete techniques to integrate into your own personal style. If you have an interest in the bedrock principles of inspiring, deepening, maintaining and enjoying control over a person who dearly, desperately wants you to control them, then this book is for you. Product details Format Paperback | 204 pages ...

Complete English Spelling and Pronunciation Rules : Simple Ways to Spell and Speak Correctly (9781978045828)

Did you know that more than half of the letters in the alphabet can be silent? With all the oddities of the English language, it's no surprise that the top two Google searches for "How do you..." are "How do you spell..." and "How do you say...." Are you one of the millions endlessly looking up correct spelling and pronunciation? End your confusion forever with Complete English Spelling and Pronunciation Rules, from the language experts at Farlex International, publishers of Complete English Grammar Rules and creators of, the trusted reference destination with 1 billion+ annual visits. Forget about memorizing the hundreds of thousands of words in the English language-get the only spelling and pronunciation guide that gives you all the tools you need to tackle even the hardest words to spell and say. Go beyond "I before E except after C" and get all the rules and exceptions, all in one place, all explained in plain Englis...

History of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich (9781377167732)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Shelter (9781409150596)

The first in an exciting series of YA thrillers from the master of the hook-and-twist. When tragic events tear him away from his parents, 15-year-old Mickey Bolitar is sent to live with his estranged uncle, Myron. For a while, it seems his train wreck of a life is finally improving - until his girlfriend, Ashley, goes missing without a trace. Unwilling to let another person he cares about walk out of his life, Mickey follows Ashley's trail into a seedy underworld, revealing a conspiracy so shocking it will leave him questioning everything about the life he thought he knew. Product details Format Paperback | 336 pages Dimensions ...

Love Her Wild : Poetry (9781472250933)

For fans of Milk & Honey and Chasers of the Light, the first collection of poetry by Instagram sensation Atticus. Love Her Wild is a collection of new and beloved poems from Atticus, the young writer who has captured the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of avid followers on his Instagram account @atticuspoetry In Love Her Wild, Atticus captures what is both raw and relatable about the smallest and the grandest moments in life: the first glimpse of a new love in Paris; skinny dipping on a summer's night; the irrepressible exuberance of the female spirit; or drinking whiskey in the desert watching the rising sun. With honesty, poignancy, and romantic flair, Atticus distils the most exhilarating highs and the heart-breaking lows of life and love into a few perfectly evocative lines, ensuring that his words will become etched in your mind and will awaken your sense of adventure. Product details ...

From Oberoi to Oyo : Behind the scenes with the movers and shakers of India's hotel industry (9780143428374)

"HOW DID THE TOP THREE-THE TAJ, THE OBEROI, ITC HOTELS-COME TO DOMINATE THE INDIAN HOTEL LANDSCAPE?WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES THROWN BY THE DISRUPTERS-OYO, AIRBNB, TREEBO?WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? A hotel, both emotionally and experientially, touches lives-the first date, the first job interview, wedding anniversaries and so on; many celebrations and memorable experiences are linked to it. Based on the author's years of observation of the industry and interactions with key stakeholders, this book takes you through the tumultuous history and evolution of the Indian hotel industry. It captures the enormous shifts and changes including guest preferences, consumer profiles and disruptions brought in by technology, in this colourful industry. Who are the players and how are they coping with these changes? The book answers these and many more such questions. Packed with some exciting profiles and analysis of strategies, it also attempts to provide a glimpse of what lies in store fo...